Spreed Privacy Policy

Effective date: 9/7/2017

This Privacy Policy describes Spreed’s information practices for its website and browser extension. We take your privacy seriously and want you to understand exactly what information we collect, how we use that information, which pieces of information you can request us to remove, and how to contact us about this policy. Please read this policy carefully. Your continued use of the Spreed extension and/or the Spreed website constitutes your agreement to this policy. When it comes to your personal information, most of this policy applies to users who donate to support Spreed.

Information Spreed collects

Personal information

The Spreed browser extension does not collect, store, or send any personal information. If you've donated to support Spreed, personal information is collected by our payment provider, PayPal.

Anonymous information

The Spreed extension captures anonymous usage information, including but not limited to: button clicks within Spreed, and Spreed window opens. It does not capture any text that Spreed runs on. Also, Spreed may capture various activity pixels that are used on some websites. All such data is captured anonymously and no user level data is gathered.


Spreed uses analytics services, like Google Analytics, to aggregate information about traffic patterns and how our website and extension are used, for the sole purpose of improving our extension and website.

How Spreed uses and discloses collected information

We try to make Spreed better

We use the collected and anonymous usage and analytics information to maintain and improve the Spreed extension and website, gain insight into how our services are being used. The information is only used internally.

Your personal information is not for sale

Spreed never has and never will sell your personal information to any third party without your consent.

Anonymized data may be shared to help support the app

We sometimes share anonymized, hashed, obfuscated, and/or aggregated information with third parties or the public in order to support the app and help pay for expenses. This information cannot be associated with an individual or any personal information, though the third parties may combine it with other anonymized data from other sources. If you'd like to opt out of this, visit this site.

Spreed discloses personal information as required by law

Spreed cooperates with all valid United States law enforcement requests and court orders. If possible, we'll notify you of requests for your information using the email stored in our system. Some circumstances prohibit us from contacting you about a request or order (e.g. an order under 18 U.S.C. § 2705(b) or § 215 of the Patriot Act). "Warrant canary": Spreed has never received an order under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, and if this sentence ever disappears, you'll know it's because we have received such an order -- or similar order -- and the U.S. Government made us delete it.

Data security

Spreed does not store any data whatsoever; any data that is captured by the Chrome extension is sent to a third-party (e.g. for Analytics purposes) via secure HTTPS connecitons, and are subject to the security considerations of their severs and databases. If you've donated to support Spreed, your personal information is never shared, and is kept safe within the security precautions of our payment provider (PayPal). That said, no database or server is 100% secure and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data in any system, or while being transmitted over the Internet. Our best effort is given, but you use Spreed’s browser extension and website at your own risk.

Changes and updates to this policy

Spreed reserves the right to change this policy for any reason, and may make small, inconsequential changes to this policy with or without notice. Each time this policy is changed we will revise the “Effective Date” at the top of this page.


You can always contact us with questions or feedback about our privacy policy, or anything else, at teamspreed [at] gmail.com.